In the world of coffee brewing, filter papers play an important role in determining the quality of the final product. Recently, we had an independent blind study conducted to compare the effectiveness of Filter Paper A (new Bruer Cone Paper Filter) and Filter Paper B (Popular Cone Filter). The tester's blind findings revealed some interesting insights that we would like to share.

From a brewing perspective, the tester noted that Filter Paper A proved to be much easier to work with compared to Filter Paper B. They noted Filter Paper A allowed the brews to flow smoothly and prevented them from stalling. Furthermore, the pre-wetting of Filter Paper A was evenly saturated, while Filter Paper B took a longer time to draw through and often left water residue, the tester determined. On the other hand, the tester identified that Filter Paper B tended to stall frequently, leading to over-extraction of the brews. This over-extraction resulted in a perceptible increase in bitterness and muddled characteristics throughout, as confirmed by a blind sensory analysis.


However, it is interesting that the tester noted that Filter Paper B consistently exhibited better expression of body in the brews. It added a slightly heavier character, resulting in a smoother and more rounded expression, particularly with different coffee varieties and processes. But for the rest, Filter Paper A scored consistently higher or tied Filter Paper B with the rest of the scoresheet.

For the brewing recipe, all variables were kept constant, using 30g of coffee over 5 pours, yielding a total volume of 450g. The average drain time ranged from 2 minutes and 45 seconds to 3 minutes and 15 seconds, with the B paper often requiring a longer brew time, occasionally extending up to 3 minutes and 45 seconds. All the coffee was ground uniformly using the EK grinder, and the preparation process remained the same for each test. Sensory evaluation was conducted blind, ensuring unbiased results.


Based on the findings of the blind study, the Filter Paper A (New Bruer Cone Paper Filter) boasts a superior feel, prevention of brew stalling, and avoidance of over-extraction outweighs the slightly improved body expression offered by the Filter Paper B (Popular Cone Paper Filter).